I definitely makes you sexually repressed and getting sexually unrepressed can be very tricky. I was 18 when they recruited me into the cult, which being a young male meant suppressing my otherwise naturally health sex life. I stop my regular habit of masturbation(1-3 times a day to 0 times a year) and sex anytime I could get it which wasn't that often, or at least nothing to brag about.
Even when I got married I would have feeling of guilt if I had sex more than once a day. It more or less was just without too much exploration for rear of displeasing jealous God that don't like you having too much sexual fun.
When I left the cult I went and did a lot of sexual experimentation to find my self, now I have a lot better/healthier sex life and able to focus more while with my significant other, without any worries about my invisible imaginary Jehovah getting his undies all in a twist over it.